Saturday, December 09, 2006

Language Lesson #1

I've decided to share a little about what I've learned here when it comes to language. So, if anyone happens to visit, just practice these phrases and translations....and don't be surprised if I masacre the spelling.
bathroom = loo or toilet (no one says restroom either)
sour cream = creme frache
that's awesome! = brilliant!
right away = straight away
six thirty = half six (can be applied to other times as well)
would you like a pop? = fancy a cup of tea?
chips = crips
fries = chips
crisps = ?
unreliable, strange, kooky = dodgey
TJ Maxx = TK Maxx
Starbucks = Starbucks
Just keep practicing, there will be more to come in Lesson #2.
-Mandy (:

Work, life, and related things...

Here's a picture of some of my friends here in London. The picture below of the fountain was also taken in the same area: Trafalgar Square. It's this great place in Central London where there are several museums and monuments all together. The night the three of us went out, we visited the National Portrait Gallery. Many of the museums here are free, which is great for people like us who are trying to live off the American Dollar (which doesn't have much worth here, unfortunately).
The good news is that we're finally earning pounds. And pence (that's the UK version of cents). I've been at my job about three weeks now and it continues to go well. My co-workers are nice and all the customers are nice as well. I am only there temporarily, but still they have all welcomed me and been so helpful in teaching me the ropes. I think it's a perfect transition to my permanent location because now I can see how one of the best salons in London is run and I can learn how they do it. Most days I switch between retail and massage therpy. I'm learning a lot about myself and that my true gifts are best used in massage therapy, but it is good to learn about retail and appreciate that I don't have to do it forever. One pro: I work in Central London and I'm close to lots of cool shops, cafes, etc. One con: with the hour commute each day, it makes for an 11 hour day and I'm completely wiped out at the end. Another pro: I have an ipod to get me through the bus ride/tube ride.
As we approach the Christmas season, Andy and I have been thinking about our winter routines that we have done over the past few years. Most of them revolved around our jobs with young people, concerts, events, etc. There are days when I really miss our life in Minnesota because I feel so distant from all of our friends there. Something about 3,000 miles and an ocean has really made me appreciate the friendships and support that I had back home.
We're so excited for Christmas because part of my family is coming to visit. There's just two weeks to go before they're here and I'm counting down each day!
Oh, and I almost forgot - I got to see Prince Charles and Camilla! Andy and I worked at the Royal Variety show which is a big charity event with different entertainment acts. I also got to see some bands like "Sugababes," :Take That, and James Morrison. In the back stage areas I'm sure that I passed lots of famous people, but I don't know any of the British stars so I was completely ignorant. All in all, it was an adventurous night and it was the first time in my life that I've ever had a back stage pass for anything (even if it was for the purpose of serving drinks).
More pictures and stories to come....Hope all of you are well and blessed.

PS The dog is my sister's. He's not here in London, but he's cute, so he deserves to be seen and adored. And I miss him. So there.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Good morning world,

It is hard to believe that it is December already, but it certainly is. Two more weeks of class and I will be all done for the term. School has been great!!!! I really feel that this is exactly where I am supposed to be in the world right now. I have been having a blast making friends from around the world. Mandy and I are starting to get invitations for summer vacations in France, Italy, Denmark, and many more. Right now in school we are working on “The Neutral Mask” (if you scroll down to an earlier post there is a picture of it). It has been a real challenge for all of us to work with this mask because it is so neutral that all your bad habits and little acting tricks show up immediately and they don’t work at all. So we are in the process of forgetting the way we used to approach things and trying to find a completely honest and engaged way of moving forward.

But enough about that mombo jumbo. Mandy has started her job (see above picture) and it seems to be going pretty well. The commute makes for a long day, but I think that once we get into the routine of it all it will be manageable. We found a church that we really connect to which is really exciting. They are called St. Barnabus, and the best part is they have Sunday night services.

Mandy and I went to the V&A museum for their Hanukka celebration. It was pretty cool we saw a shadow puppet show that needed a little work on the script but was all together interesting to watch. On the way back home we walked past the natural history museum, they are having a holiday village where there are shops, and food. We had roast chestnut (which are quite tasty) and one of the best sausages I have had in my life. They also have an ice-skating rink which I found to be rather comical. It has been in the mid 50’s the past couple of weeks so they cool the ice from underneath. Whenever someone would fall, which was pretty regularly, his or her pants would get soaked from the layer of water on top of the ice. For an out side ice rink in the middle of a city they sure couldn’t have found a more beautiful place to put it though.

Well that is about all I know these days. I am so thankful to be living out this dream. We come across little challenges, but Mandy and I are a pretty tough team. I miss you all, and deeply wish you were here with us.

Have a great December.

