Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Beautiful Barcelona

Well, November was another busy month. Abby came for a visit for two weeks. It was great to be able to spend Thanksgiving with her. We went to a friend's house and celebrated with a group of people from the school. Then, Abby and I went to Barcelona for just a few days. I was hoping for sun, rest, green grass, and to see beautiful things. My prayer was more than answered on that trip. We both loved the Gaudi architecture that is found throughout the city. The parks were great, especially Park Guell. Loved the beautiful churches as well. And don't get me started on the tapas. Mmmmm....

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Language Lesson #3

Hi Everyone!
Well, it's been a very busy fall. No pictures to show now, but hopefully soon. Andy had a wonderful expeirence in New York with the theatre project he was working on. I had a great time visiting with my sister Martha and her husband Dan in Septemember. Thanks to Dan's hady-dandy guidebook, we found some really great restaruants and pubs that I have since been back to. It was great to catch-up with them. It made me even more homesick when they left. But, enter James! One of the new students at Andy's school came and stayed with me a week soon after Martha and Dan left. He's a fellow Iron Ranger! We had a great week, I loved showing him the ropes in the same way that some of our friends did when we first arrived. Finally Andy came home, and after a few days his mom came for a visit as well. It was wonderful to spend time with her (and to have some good MN home-cookin'). We're looking forward to when she and Dave come back this winter.
So, with all of these visitors, I've been thinking of more language lesson ideas....

The Brits vs. The Yanks
Give Way = Yeild
Way Out = Exit
Mind the Gap = Look out for that crack!
torch = flash light
pram = stroller
trolley = cart
biscuit = cookie (but it sure sounds healthier when you say biscuit)
innit = isn't it

That's all I can think of for now, but more to come soon! Hope you are all well.


Thursday, October 04, 2007

summer memories

Hello everyone! Well, our summer went by very quickly. The weather was unusually cold and rainy here, so it never really felt like summer arrived. But, it's gone now. Luckily, we were able to find some sunshine on our travels and the fall weather has been pretty mild so far.
Here's some pictures of what we've been up to (in random order). You'll see photos of Andy on his trip to Denmark where he took a workshop on clowning. It was taught by the director of the school we toured in California when he was first applying for grad programs. Also, our friend John came for a visit (the picture of the guy that looks like a hippie, yeh, that's the one). We had a great time reconnecting with him and introducing him to all of our favorite pubs and cask ales. Then the next photos are from our two days in Bath. We occasionaly try to get out of the city, just to get some fresh air and solitude. Plus we had an excuse, it was our third anniversary. Bath was a beautiful city and it had such a relaxed feeling to it. just what we needed. We got a great deal on a really fancy hotel (bathrobes, country club, hiking trails, and more!). We skipped a lot of the tourist attractions just to spend more time relaxing there.
There's also a photo of our "picture wall" of some artwork sent by our neice and nephew (more are welcome from all of our neices and nephews). And, there's a photo of a decked out vespa. There's a few retirees in our neighborhood who ride around on vespas like this one. It's like a club, you'd have to see it to get the full experience, but here's a taste.
Hope all is well back home. We just realized that one full year has passed since we left. One more to go!
More posts and pictures to come of Andy's adveture in NY and my time with Martha and Dan while they visited, so stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Postcard from Italy

Well, we didn't have much time to write postcards since it was such a quick trip, but hopefully this blog will be a suitable replacement.
We had a wonderful time. We started out near Ancona, which is the area where the bride grew up. We spent four days there and the bride and groom organized social events for each day, so we had a great time hanging out with friends (old and new). Both the wedding ceremony and the reception were wonderful. We stayed with one of the brides friends, Serena, and got to know her and her boyfriend a little. It was a struggle at first because very few people in this particular area speak English, but our trusty phrase-book carried us through. It was Andy's first time in a non-English-speaking country, a very exciting experience for him.
Our friend Arnaldo then drove us up to his home in Venice. What a strange and beautiful place! We loved the atmosphere: no cars, the sound of water at night, beautiful homes with some much detail in the architecture, and some of the best food we have ever eaten in our entire lives. Arnaldo and his parents were so kind in welcoming us into their home and taking care of us.
So, back to life in London, we are happy to be home and in the comforts of routine. It's been a very cold summer, so we were glad to get away, but it is finally warming up a bit here.
Hope all of you are well.
Peace, Mandy

Thursday, July 26, 2007

One Down One to Go!!!

Hello there everyone,

Well my first year is done and man what a great experience it was. To celebrate Mandy and I are packing up and going to Italy for a week. (I am sure picture will be coming soon) I am still processing all I learned this year. I am looking forward to this summer to relax and let it all soak in.

Here are some pictures for you,
I think it is from bottom to top.

First is Jeff: we went on a brewery tour at Fullers Brewery, and had a great time. I highly recommend it to you if you are in the neighbor hood. It was 6 pounds each and at the end of the tour you get to have a quarter pint of every beer they make, and a full pint of your favorite. Which adds up to about 4.5 pints, or nine cans of beer, plus it's English beer so it packs a little punch. So after wards we decided to go back to ours and have some dinner and a beer or two, and Mandy gave Jeff a hair cut. It was a very fun night, but for some reason the next day I was very thirsty for water.

Second is Mandy: This is her massage room at her new salon in Islington, which is a part of London. It has been great for me to see Mandy thrive in massage. It really suits who she is. After many months of working Aveda retail the salon is open and Mandy's spirit is really blossoming. Even tough we came over here for me to go to school it is so exciting to see all the ways Mandy is growing and changing too.

E's B-day: A group of us went and celebrated our friend Elisabeth's birthday in Hyde park. E is a Lispa student and wonderfully kind person. We had a really nice afternoon.

Next is my good friend Soren: Soren was on kitchen cleaning duty when we moved to our new flat. He is from Switzerland, the country where OCD is encouraged, so he is very thorough when it comes to, well everything. It was a good move two of our friends let us use them and their cars and we had it done in no time. It is amazing the amount of stuff you can collect in 10 months. We are still settling into our new flat Soren and I painted the living room the other day and now that I am done with school I have been working my way through the boxes in the closet. Mandy and I love our new place. It is in a very vibrant part of London and it is about 30 min from anywhere. Oh and the best part is the water pressure is incredible!!!!

Rague and Poker night: My friend Arnaldo is from Venice and all year he has been bragging about how great his pasta is. (I think it's an Italian thing, cause I alway brag about my Jello) So one night I had a couple of guys over to play Texas Hold'em and he cooked up some Rague y Penne. It was really good. Arnaldo is who we are staying with in Venice. He have a boat and is going to take us around the canals which is very exciting! It is nice of him to do all this after I took all his money that night.

Next is a picture of my extremely attractive wife... that one speaks for it self.

After that is people rehearsing the 20 movements at school. The 20 Movements are the last thing we did at school this year. Basically it is 20 different mimed movements that help the actor work on physical control and stage presence. They are to actors what singing scales would be to a singer. Some of the movements are: climbing the wall, turning the stick, ice skating, rowing, etc..... So threw out the year we learn the movements and for our final critique you have to link the movements together and perform them for the teachers and all the other students, and afterwards (like every time we perform) the teachers tell you what didn't work. I went on the last day so Mandy could come watch and really learned a ton watching everyone else that week while I was working on my own and thinking about where I was and what I wanted to do. I really enjoyed the exercise.

The last three are of the graduation party for the second years. Each person was asked to bring a dish from their home country, so the kitchen table was full of great food from around the world. My good friend Ryan and I made 3 kinds of Jello: Lemon and orange with carrots and cellory, blackcurrant Jello shoots, and raspberry jello with grapes and blueberries. We all hung out ate and had one of the most touching graduations I have ever seen. It was a beautiful day.

Well I am going to sign off there, I have to tie up some loose ends and head down the road. I hope you are all doing well. I miss you very much.



Monday, June 25, 2007

Schedule FYI

Hello Friends!
Hope all is well. We've been pretty busy around here, especiall Andy as he wraps up his final project for school. The weather has been pretty cold and wet lately, but we're already looking forward to summer.
For those of you thinking of making a trip over, I thought it would be good to inform you of our scheudule. I will be around all summer, I have a pretty steady work schedule. Andy has been blessed with two wonderful opportunties this summer/fall. He will be attending a week long workshop in Denmark around mid-August. Also, he will be going to New York to divise a show and perform around the end of September, beginning of October.
Peace, Mandy

Sunday, June 10, 2007

New Job!

Halleluia! After a year-long process, I have finally started my new job. My first week was fun, but it was a bit unusual. We still had to prepare the spa rooms, so I spent most of my days shopping around central London and buying all the necessities. My bosses are long-time partners Mike and Wendy. Wendy and I had a great time shopping together a couple of times and she made sure that we took much deserved dinner breaks to taste the local fair. I felt so spoiled, it was great! So far, my co-workers and the clientelle seem really nice. Also, I work right next to a park, so I get to eat my lunch with my bare feet on the grass, the sun on my face, and the wind at my back.
Other news...I took a Reiki class. It is called an atunement, and there are three levels (first, second, and master - but you can also become a teacher after that). Reiki is really hard for me to describe, especially since I am still learning about it, but it is about using the energy around us to bring healing to the body. I have to practice on myself for 21 days, then I can practice on others. It has been the most peaceful part of my day and I am loving it so far.
Andy is doing well as his school year is wrapping up. They finish at the end of July, but they are already working on final projects and doing some of their weekly routines for the last time. This term, they have been working on stage combat, so he has been learning some marial arts. He is looking ahead for the summer and considering a 3 week trip to New York to devise and perform in a show with some recent graduates of his school.
Lastly, we're getting ready to move. Through a friend of a friend, we came across a really wonderful flat that is just a couple of miles away from my job. My one hour commute will be closer to 20 minutes now.
Sorry there's no pictures, I'll try to post some soon.
Hope you are healthy and happy!
Peace, Mandy

Monday, May 21, 2007

Nieces, Nephews, and a whole bunch of Minnesota Fun!

We're back in London after a lovely trip back home to MN for a week and a half. It was wonderful! A whirlwind tour of the twin cities, our hometowns, and of course, Tobies Bakery in Hinkley. I think the pictures speak for themselves, we had a great time visiting with our family and friends. I especially loved playing with our nieces and nephews. We had a couple of gathering in which we could reconnect with friends, but we were so busy visiting, we neglected to take any photos.
It was a bittersweet time because we loved being home, but it reminded us of how hard it is to be far from family and friends. At the same time, the flights seemed to quick that we felt like MN isn't actually that far from the UK. On the otherhand, we were both happy to be back in London and after a restful weekend, we got back into our regular, comfortable routines. I'm a creature of habit and was glad to come back to our current "home."
We had a great weekend recently. There was a big social event at our church on Sunday and I was even asked to sing with the worship band that morning. On Friday, we went salsa dancing with some friends from Peurto Rico. It feels good to know that even though we're far from MN, we have some great friends and support here in London.
Hope all is well for each of you wherever your home is.
Peace, Mandy