Hello everyone! Well, our summer went by very quickly. The weather was unusually cold and rainy here, so it never really felt like summer arrived. But, it's gone now. Luckily, we were able to find some sunshine on our travels and the fall weather has been pretty mild so far.
Here's some pictures of what we've been up to (in random order). You'll see photos of Andy on his trip to Denmark where he took a workshop on clowning. It was taught by the director of the school we toured in California when he was first applying for grad programs. Also, our friend John came for a visit (the picture of the guy that looks like a hippie, yeh, that's the one). We had a great time reconnecting with him and introducing him to all of our favorite pubs and cask ales. Then the next photos are from our two days in Bath. We occasionaly try to get out of the city, just to get some fresh air and solitude. Plus we had an excuse, it was our third anniversary. Bath was a beautiful city and it had such a relaxed feeling to it. just what we needed. We got a great deal on a really fancy hotel (bathrobes, country club, hiking trails, and more!). We skipped a lot of the tourist attractions just to spend more time relaxing there.
There's also a photo of our "picture wall" of some artwork sent by our neice and nephew (more are welcome from all of our neices and nephews). And, there's a photo of a decked out vespa. There's a few retirees in our neighborhood who ride around on vespas like this one. It's like a club, you'd have to see it to get the full experience, but here's a taste.
Hope all is well back home. We just realized that one full year has passed since we left. One more to go!
More posts and pictures to come of Andy's adveture in NY and my time with Martha and Dan while they visited, so stay tuned.